Obviously, this is a book review blog. I mostly read Young Adult books, but I try to branch out every once and a while as well!
After seeing the cover, I knew I had to read this book, and boy, am I glad I did. I absolutely loved this book.It was not necessarily what I thought it would be, but I think it was even better than what I thought it would be. I definitely intend on purchasing this one (I got it from the library) as soon as I get money.
One thing I loved this book was the way that the love story panned out. I thought it was super adorable and enjoyable to read. The writing was one-of-a-kind, full of wit and very down-to-earth and realistic.I loved both Caymen and Xander. I thought they were both great characters, and people that I could see myself being friends with. Caymen's sarcasm is totally up my alley, though I couldn't see myself saying half the things that she says. Xander is sweet and funny, but not to the point where he is unrealistic.
This book was also surprisingly a huge page-turner for me. I really couldn't put it down, which is generally unusual when I read these kind of books. I think I was just so invested in the characters that I really wanted to see how things worked out for them. I couldn't wait for the two characters to finally get together.I really cared about what happened to the two of them, and I found that I couldn't put the book down because of it.
Another thing I liked about this book was that it was surprisingly deep, without being in-your-face inspiring. It dealed with looking past the surface, not only with not taking too much stock in first impressions, but also looking past how somebody looks. It was very focused in having money vs. not having money, and looking at what that means today and what people's futures look like on both sides.
The one thing I didn't like was the fact that Xander and Caymen basically spent the whole book either fighting with each other (though that wasn't too common), misunderstanding each other, or trying not to get into a relationship with the other. I felt similarly about Anna and The French Kiss, which I also loved. I would have liked the book even more if they had actually had some more time together. The book was about 97% them not together, and about 3% of them being together. Basically, I thought this book was so good that it really should have been longer.
Even besides that tiny thing, I thought this book was fantastic. It worked for me in so many different ways. It was surprisingly a huge page-turner, well written, and thoughtful.
Four Point Five out of Five Stars